
Centrifuge maintenance

While operating well drilling, the drilling fluid centrifuge machinery is among the central equipment that's frequently used, its purpose is principally utilized for separating fine solid debris whose diameter size are 2-7 μm in the drilling fluid.   Using the  drilling fluid centrifuge to get rid of solid debris,  it may effectively well lubricated and  protected  the drill bit, Additionally, it has an essential role of enhancing drilling bit speed. Using the oil drilling industry ways and also the technology is getting mature; the drilling fluid centrifuge manufacturing technologies have been greatly enhanced too. However, you will find some natural mechanical issues otherwise solved it'll provide the operators many function issues.

We as manufacturer frequently seen operators encounter issues below:

1. Bowl fault.

2. Consumable parts (inlet pipe, shockproof strip) problem.

3. Excessive vibration wile machine is presently working.

4. Outlet obstructing by solids desire to remove from fluid.

5. Explosion-proof plug damage.

6. Centrifuge scroll damage.

7. Bearings failure while procedure for operation.

8. Drilling fluid centrifuge hoses damage.

We as manufacturer suggest below if such issues operators encounter

Operators must realize that regular maintenance around the centrifuge for example regular washing the inlet and outlet by filling water or diesel is dependent what type of fluid it requires process.  It's also crucial that add grease towards the bearing parts to make sure proper lube.

Operators needs regularly inspect frequently- broken parts around the drilling fluid centrifuge, so on hoses. To be able to make sure the process in using these parts in normal way this influences the development. Finally, electronic areas of the centrifuge will work the best by running certain duration of time period (like none-stop for hrs.). It requires, lessen the rapid turn off and on from the centrifuge. If correctly operate the centrifuge like mention above, and then operators will discover centrifuge failure rate is going to be reduced throughout process the drilling fluid.

